Abyssinian Red Banana Ensete ventricosum ‘Maurelii’

Back in stock!

Like the manta ray of the subtropical world with their hugely flappy, deliciously ox- blood red leaves, the Abyssinian ornamental banana is back at CPAC

This banana-like perennial has large paddle-shaped leaves, which range in color from deep claret brown to red-purple to pale green, produced from the center.
Grow outdoors in rich soil in a sheltered area. This is an ornamental banana only- it doesn’t produce fruit.

If grown in a pot or container the banana will attain a height of 2 metres. In habitat with idea conditions it will grow to 6 metres so work on a 4-6 metre high plant in maturity.

Grade Height Indication Price Available Order
15 litre pot 150cm $172.50 25
All prices are in NZ$ and GST inclusive but exclude freight (if applicable).