Cordyline fruticosa Cherry Cordial Cordyline fruticosa Cherry Cordial

Finally in for late summer 2025!

Add some tropical flare to your patio containers with this bright and vibrant Cordyline. A sport of ‘Chocolate Queen’, ‘Cherry Cordial’ shares all the same attributes as its parent, except for its vibrant coloration. Beautiful mahogany, purple leaves are streaked with olive green and bright cherry-red. This plant forms an upright stalk of wider than typical (ovate- shaped), strap-like foliage.

Recommended for bright filtered light outside, shade or indirect sunlight.

Frost free, sheltered & warm.

Grade Height Indication Price Available Order
2.5 litre pot 30cm $28.50 20
All prices are in NZ$ and GST inclusive but exclude freight (if applicable).