Kentia Howea forsteriana

November 2024- Check out our sale prices on 2 XL (trunking) grade ‘wonky’ Kentia below. These generally have a misshapen trunk and offer character to your subtropical garden. Not all is perfect in the jungle garden!

A very elegant palm, Kentia typically take 12 to 15 years to develop a trunk and start moving slowly skyward in New Zealand.

Native to Lord Howe Island.
Our recommended most beautiful palm for the Bay of Plenty.
The Kentia is well suited to our coastal environment and copes well with salt laden winds, however they do like good moisture and a fertile soil to do extra well.
Smooth, green slim trunk if grown in light or deep shade. Excellent for indoor and outdoor use. Tolerates very low light.
A very sought after palm

Fantastic when planted in multiples or tight groupings of two, three or more.

Soil type

Kentia and Sentry palms do not like clay. If you dig a hole into a shallow clay pan you will end up with a swimming pool type situation where the tree roots and root ball will be sitting in an endlessly wet situation. Your tree will die eventually. Please address your soil type if you have any concerns about heavy clay PRIOR to contacting us specifically for Kentia or Sentry palms.

Grade Height Indication Price Available Order
PB28 (17 litre) 140cm $215 80
45 litre 180cm $285 80
60 litre 180cm $460 4
75 litre 160cm $315 $1050 Sale! 2
All prices are in NZ$ and GST inclusive but exclude freight (if applicable).