Malaysian Grapes Medinilla myriantha

This is a lovely dwarf Medinilla. It is a compact shrug with large lush leaves. The flowers appear in mid-late Autumn and hang in panicles of bright, cascading pink. These last for up to two months and are very showy.

This Medinilla makes a lovely specimen in a warm partly shaded garden. The foliage is an attractive addition to any foliage gardeb & the flowers are a colourful bonus.

A gorgeous tub plant. In containers, it’s best to use orchid mix or potting mix with extra chunky bark added. In the ground, it’s wise to mound up the soil to allow fast drainage and plenty of air around the roots.

Frost free & sheltered.

Grade Height Indication Price Available Order
5 litre pot 40cm $37.50 11
All prices are in NZ$ and GST inclusive but exclude freight (if applicable).