Category: nursery news

Canna Lily and Chinese Fishtail Palm Sale

13 February 2018, nursery news, sale

The Canna lily is one of the most versatile and high impact flowering ornamentals to plug into your subtropical look. We have some gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous colours available. Great savings to be had on a 6 litre grade which are big in the bag. $14.50 each or 10 for only $125- instant impact en masse!…

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Birth, death and taxes

21 January 2018, nursery news

Birth, death and taxes. The three certainties of life. Oh, that and Cliff Richard being in his 3rd age -defying cyborg identity (IMO he spent a decade too long in his circa 1981 ‘Wired for Sound’ cyborg body, rousing my suspicions in the first place) The man is without doubt, a robot. The three topics…

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Final Dates for Xmas delivery

4 December 2017, nursery news

All plant deliveries purchased as ordered online and freighted will be finishing for the 2017 year on Friday 15 December. This is to ensure the week before Xmas is clear for those plants to be delivered and not have them spend Xmas in freight depots dotted around the country. Please ensure that you get your…

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Xmas Plant Goodies Galore

28 November 2017, nursery news

After much arm twisting and cajoling from customers I’ve decided to bring the highly anticipated release of Abyssinian Red bananas (Ensete ventricosum ‘Maurelii’) and Lady Palms (Rhapis excelsa) forward, so these can be made available for Christmas presents. These will go at lightning speed, so be warned now- get in quick. You may not see another…

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Bring on the Philodendrons!!

9 September 2017, nursery news , 2 comments

I’ve just updated our Philodendron selection (under Subtropicals/Ornamentals) We now have a range of 4 to sell and they’re all very attractive with serious foliage wowee points. With the massive indoor large leaved foliage trend continuing unabated this genus is a winner for the indoor living art prize. At $22.50 for a 2.5l potted specimen…

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Supply and Demand

2 September 2017, nursery news

The laws of economics are close on 2000 years old, almost as old as the Welcome Bay hills behind the nursery. As the rain comes down on this thundery and wet day, I’m just writing a brief post about how we are having unprecedented demand for certain species here at the nursery. Many customers and…

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Illness and Running a Business

11 August 2017, nursery news , 3 comments

So here we are at Friday, end of the working week for some lucky people. Not so for me, and to top it off I’m recovering from bronchitis and this seasons turbo-boosted version of strep throat. It has been a fairly horrendous couple of weeks, what with the mega frostings- the damage has slowly revealed…

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