Welcome 2020!
We have just re-released the super-in-demand Giant Bird of Paradise and have limited numbers available once again. They are very much the shape of choice for all discerning interior and exteriorscapes. We have also released a slightly smaller, but much more affordable Costaricana Palm in a 15 litre pot. Standing just under a metre they represent better value (than the larger grade), at $105.
Neoregelia Fireball is a miniature bromeliad. It has a wonderful way of nestling into a garden and announcing its presence with excellent colour uniformity, neat compact style and healthy ability to put out pups. Check it out here.
We have a smaller grade of Sugar Cane palm now available. In a 3.9 litre bag, they are 45cm in height and ready to go into a semi- shaded or filtered light warm spot. Give them a good 70cm of space all around for their trunks to develop and grow.
Finally, an exciting new addition for 2020. The Hardy Parlour palm for small, elegant form. Taxonomically known as Chamaedorea radicalis, the Hardy Parlour palm is a member of one of my favourite genus’, Chamaedorea. You may be familiar with the Parlour palm, an indoor only, small grower. These are their very much hardier cousins. Able to withstand an astounding minus 5 deg celcius of frost as well as full sun. Much happier away from wind, I am pleased they have the tenacity to cope with a wide range of conditions regardless. Limited numbers available and an exceptional, alternative choice if you are finding it near impossible to purchase Lady palms or Wedding palms.
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